Free Spanish Apps Learning Decks

 Free Spanish Apps Learning Decks
I decided earlier this year to try and put as many of my Flash apps online as I could, and ran in to some snags with replublishing some of the mobile apps as regular webapps, so I only got part way. But you can access a variety of what I was able to put online here at Learning Decks

I know many former Flash devs feel a bit melancholic about their old apps, as it’s such a waste to have all of those hours of coding go down the drain! I like to think that I learned a ton developing those apps though, and hopefully some of that experience shows when you use the Monster Coding app. I may try to offer some Spanish lessons in there, although right now that doesn’t really fit with a STEM oriented app. Anyway for anybody using a regular browser who is trying to learn Spanish, please take a look at the free stuff above, I’d love for it to still be useful for somebody!