Hour Of Code Live

 Hour Of Code Live
Well after a month of nearly solid work writing, rewriting, coding, testing, and designing…. I’m beyond excited to announce that the Mystery Island Coding Quest Hour of Code Tutorial is now live! I can’t say it was an easy experience. After writing the script for the activities and coding them up, I had my children and husband do the entire thing. The feedback wasn’t all that pretty! Caramba. I spent another 2 weeks redoing the activities, making the student work a bit harder to figure things out, adding better feeedback, and finally creating all of the English audio myself. They all seemed to really like the new version, gracias a Dios… I am still working on a pretty awesome Printable activity where kids can do the activities offline or “unplugged” by cutting out the blocks and pasting them into the activity page. I am also doing a Teacher’s Guide, and hopefully will get around to adding a chart of Common Core and NextGen standards.

Whether we’ll be featured by Code.org remains to be seen, but I’m really proud of the work, and plan to keep revising and improving the entire thing, especially as we get more input from outside about things that could be better. We are also thinking of launching and IndieGoGo campaign to help get a bit of funding for development, and will be working with the media and schools locally to help promote the Alaskan Hour of Code. Click here to select your language and do the Mystery Island Coding Quest!