
We are a family company located in Anchorage, Alaska. We began our journey last year when our daughter Julia began learning to program at Code.org. She loved the lessons, but found a couple of areas where she simply wanted to do more with her blocks and characters. Her curiousity got us thinking about how to add a few fun new features to the idea of a lesson based system for kids. We’ve worked on a wide variety of e-learning materials before, having published Musical Spanish, learn through Pop Music way back in 1999. That morphed into the Flash based Insta Spanish e-Learning System, which later became a series of apps for IOS and Android. You can find some of our Spanish stuff still online for free at Learning Decks - http://www.learningdecks.com.

We think coding is a great way to learn many things, not just programming. So we’ve incorporated a lot of cool math learning blocks, as well as shapes and patterns. We hope to flesh out our Math lessons soon, as well as a full fledged Keyboarding section complete with instructional videos. We are still a small company, so things may take us a little while, but we’d love to hear any suggestions you might have for us, and thank you for your visit.

Gearing Up For Hour Of Code

 Gearing Up For Hour Of Code
We will be uploading the alpha form of our Code Lab and Lessons any day now, and are excited to begin finally sharing our work with the world. If you haven’t heard about the Hour of Code sponsored by Code.org http://www.code.org, it is an exciting event for students all around the world where they try out coding lessons for just 1 hour. The idea is that through offering engaging tutorials in programming, the event can get kids hooked on coding.

There is a big push this year for tutorials like ours to be multilingual, which is one of the reasons why we’ve translated our app and blog into 7 languages other than English. We are super excited to announce that we now have English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, Polish, and Turkish. If you are reading this in a langauge other than English, you may find some of the translation may not be perfect. I apologize for that - but we are using Google Translate for translations, and they aren’t always perfect.I’ll be writing some blog posts soon about the process of converting our website and app to different languages, as it has been a definite learning experience.


Welcome to Monster Coding. We are a family oriented e-learning website dedicted to helping kids learn through coding, not just learn coding. We use the awesome Blockly system to help students build fun and colorful projects, as well as learning about computer science and programming. Our keyboarding section is quite fun as well, and we are uber proud to announce that our keyboarding is now available in a grand total of 8 languages. We’ll use this blog to share a little bit about our journey as coders and parents, as well as cool articles and other tutorials online. Thanks for visiting, and we hope you’ll give our app a try.